Why Not Choose a Vacation Rental for Your Next Sabbatical?

Are you working on a book? Are you trying to synthesize your research? Are you working out your MVP? If you’re planning a creative, academic or business sabbatical, why not sit yourself down with a panoramic lakefront view? Incubating any idea is easier. Whether you join us in the Wisconsin Northwoods or head to another remote corner of the woods, you’ll get more done away from home. Why?

Shrug Off Chores

There are countless “shoulds” everywhere you look at home. Whether those things are relationships, gardens, or finances that need to be tended, most can wait till you get back. At the very least, only the most pressing chores will persist once you’re away.

Simplify Your Routine

Remote spots reduce the number of tantalizing activities you can consider any given day. It’s easier to feel satisfied when the choices are 1) take a lake dip, 2) watch the eagles dive for fish, or 3) stare at the stars. Most days, you can do all three! That leaves several reliable 2-hour blocks for deep work.

Spark Your Creativity

New environments surprise you. They force you to be present. When you’re out of your habitual daily habits, your mental habits have a way of loosening up too. Let novelty spark your creative mojo.

Free Up Heart Space

Home is full of memories. Fantastic ones can distract you. So can hard ones. Open up some space in your heart by shaking up your surroundings. Physical distance can give you new perspective. Enough said?

Reset Your Energy, Naturally

You already know this, but sometimes we forget: nature is a reset button. Go ahead and imagine the sounds of loons and the lapping water. Feel the crisp lake breeze as you paddle along the lake shore. Watch a summer storm tumble across your view. The places most of us live are far away from this kind of sensory immersion. Too far, some say. When you step into a stand of white pines, you can’t help but reset yourself.

When would you like to set down your urban or suburban pleasures and stay@campkulisha.com?




Minocqua Area Summer Goals (for Kids)

As a former camp counselor, I appreciate the need to pace kids through focused activities and wild free time. Coming up with a bag of tricks that satisfies kids isn’t easy, especially if your vacation rental is in a new-to-you Northwoods location. Hopefully, our summer goal list will get your mind thrumming with fresh ideas. (And for adults, read the food activities list!)

Marvel at Water Skiing Tricks

Established in the 1950s, the Min-Aqua Bats ski show continues to be a central attraction in town several nights a week all summer long. You might want popcorn. You might eye the merch. You might get wet.  We always find the joy and mastery of the skiers to be contagious.

Meet Our Ojibwe Neighbors

A few years ago, we became enchanted by the Ojibwe exhibition in Madeline Island Museum. I loved the pictographs. Closer, in Lac du Flambeau, we’re aiming to spend a weekday at the Ojibwe museum. Based on our family flow right now, a Waaswaaganing Indian Bowl Pow Wow might be possible this summer.

Laugh at Snowshoe Baseball

What else is there to say but that? The absurdity of this sport is so fun and the pie is worth arriving early for.

Get On/In/Near the Water

Whether you like to swim, paddle, fish, sail or ski, there’s a pleasure for everyone on a Northwoods lake. We’re partial to the clean, deep water of Lake Tomahawk. Further away, we’re curious to try a paddle down the Flambeau River, and we’ll need someone who can rent us canoes and/or shuttle us with ours.

Travel to Dinner by Boat

Motoring over to a lakeside restaurants on the interconnected Lake Tomahawk-Lake Minocqua-Lake Kawaguesaga chain is a Northwoods pleasure. Our local is Lakeside. We might try for the new Oakfire downtown this summer.

Eat Ice Cream

We have never been sad to bike or drive over to Briqs. With super-sized portions, kids never feel cheated. I can get a “mini” and feel satiated.

Race Each Other!

We never tire of these go-cart tracks at Holiday Acres. We’ve never opted for horseback riding but you can do that too.

What’s On Your Cabin Wish List?

If you’re game, love to hear your Wisconsin Northwoods favorites on Instagram!